Post –by Gautam Shah



NATURAL OBJECTS are created by various formative and destructive processes of nature. We pick such objects off the surface of the earth, mine them, or obtain by breaking off from a larger unit. Such objects once removed from the place of origin, invariably change further by the environmental processes called weathering effects. A freshly opened face of such objects present a surface finish, different from the face already exposed. Objects of the same specie may show up different surface finishes, depending on the angle of cut or cleavage, technique, and tools used for down sizing and finishing.


Natural objects have time and space relevance. It may not be possible to amass enough quantity within a set schedule, or may not be economically viable to transport the required type and quantity.



SELF FINISH is a surface component of the material itself. Self finishes occur on Natural, Modified and Manufactured objects. Since such finishes are integral part of the object, the engineering properties of the object continue to be affective through the surface system.


Natural and modified objects have inherent limitations, such as: Technologically, one can obtain a surface system equal to or smaller than the naturally available sizes and shape of the object. Identical surface qualities (colour, texture, pattern, etc.) are not available in every sliced section of a large object, because deeper or core regions show different surface qualities than the outer parts. Surface properties vary a little within a specie.



One adjusts such qualitative differences by randomly distributing the variant, as small components in a large composition. Though agglomerated assemblies have their own problems, of joints and joint materials.


  • Manufactured objects have self finishes. Bronze statues and outdoor objects have an induced self surface finish consisting of a green, brown, blue, and black patina of copper compounds. Silver is oxidized in an electrolytic liquid and then selectively ground to show a composition of dark (oxidized) and bright (polished) surfaces. Mild steel surfaces are burnished (burnt) to a blue finish. Iron is sometimes allowed to rust until it acquires a satisfactory colour, and then the process is arrested by lacquering. Stone washed jeans are intentionally created finishes.

Texture Design Stone Wall Architecture Pattern




Post -by Gautam Shah


grinder for Metal

Forming Surface Finishes

Surface Finish is comparatively a thin component of an object. It occurs as ‘finishing treatment (evolved or applique)’ over the outermost layer on an object. Surface finishes fashioned out of the objects’ own material, are called Self finishes. On the other hand, Applied finishes are of the same material as the object or completely different class of materials. The application of a finish over an object involves some form of material joining system. Applied finish systems are of two types. In the first case a continuous surface layer is formed by depositing one surface forming material, and in the other case, several surfacing components are edge to edge joined to form an extensive surface layer.

Engraved Surface as Self Finish

Applied Finish

Applying a Surface Finish

An applied surface finish in the form of one continuous layer, is a coating. A coating is a thin surfacing, that normally forms a surface through conversion from Liquid to Solid phase. (The liquid phase may derive from Gas or Solid phase, or a transition from high viscosity to an applicable grade viscosity.)

Applied finish of some types require joining with the base material and edge to edge connection. The joining is created mainly by Adhesion, Fusion or Mechanical holding. ‘Joining’ or surface holding is also achieved through gravity and electrical charges.

Complex Objects

The joining as bonding or fastening occurs at two distinct levels: One, when the surfacing component attaches to the base material, and Two, when the surface components form edges to edge or ends joints. In the second case the surfacing components apparently enlarges the extent of the assembly. Edge joints of surface systems emerge or are created as per design. Though there are many surface situations (cobble stone or brick flooring) where edge to edge positions do occur, but no joining materials are used.

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